Where are your students from?
Our students have different backgrounds: American, Belgian, Slovene, German, Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Croatian, and Montenegrin.
What is the average class size and/or student-to-teacher ratio?
An individualized approach to each student’s needs is of foremost importance to us. We, therefore, limit enrolment and keep our classes small. In the first two years of our high school, classes typically have around 10 students. IB Diploma Programme classes usually have fewer than 10 students, depending on the subject choices. Our student:teacher ratio is 2.5
What is the faculty and staff turnover from year to year and what are the most common reasons they leave early?
Providing learning stability is one of the most important factors in international schools. We have strategies in place that minimize staff turnover. We have not had any staff members leave the school yet. Every staff member is highly valued and receives a permanent contract.
Does Vector International Academy have a school uniform?
We do not have a school uniform, we encourage students’ individuality.
Is Vector International Academy easily accessible?
The school is easily accessible from major highways and main city access roads. A public bus stop with several frequent city bus lines is just a few minutes away.
Do you have a boarding facility?
On-site dormitories could be available for students enrolling in the IB Diploma programme, for 17/18 years old.
What is your school’s philosophy and mission?
At Vector International Academy we strive to provide a high-quality learning environment with small class sizes as well as develop strong relationships with the students in partnership with their parents and the wider community. To help students discover and develop their academic, social, and emotional potentials, our staff is dedicated to providing a caring, respectful and stimulating learning environment. Our vision for our students is to develop self-reflective and self-directed practices to enable them to live meaningful, active, and fulfilling lives, with a strong understanding of local and global challenges. In line with the mission of the International Baccalaureate, we aim to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
What is your approach to dealing with behavioral issues?
At VIA, we encourage high standards of behaviour through the promotion of mutual respect and student self-discipline. Respectful and considerate behaviour is an essential element in the life of our school community. The development – be it academic, social or emotional can best take place in an environment that is safe, healthy, kind and free from prejudice and intimidation. At VIA we are very committed to promoting positive behaviour, and dealing effectively with any issues which may arise.
Do students from Slovene schools have any problems joining your IGCSE programme in Year 10?
Students from Slovene elementary schools typically have no problems joining our programmes, as long as their English proficiency allows them to access the curriculum content. We access each student individually and make appropriate recommendations.
What educational paths are open to me after completing IB Diploma Programme?
IB Diploma Programme is highly valued by universities around the world. IB graduates enter university with a firm foundation for their degree program – not just academically, but with excellent self-sufficiency and resilience. Each year, over 5,000 universities in more than 100 countries receive IB students’ admission applications and transcripts. More information can be found here:
Daily and yearly agenda
What does a student’s day look like?
Our early arrivals start at 7:30, followed by registration for all at 8:20. Lessons are 45 minutes and start at 8:30. Lessons typically last until 14:00 (6 periods, IGCSE) or 15:30 (IB Diploma Programme8 periods).
Does VIA offer after school activities?
We offer after-school activities which change from year to year, depending on the interests of attending students. This academic year (2021/22) we offer Coding Club, Chess Club, and Art/Drawing. Our students can also participate in a broad range of activities provided by our host Institute of St Stanislav.
Does VIA have field trips?
We typically have two 3-day residential trips per year and several day trips. This academic year (2021/22) students spent three days on river Kolpa in August and went on a 3-day skiing trip to Golte in January. Day trips included a hiking trip to Dom na Kališču. These trips are an important part of our school community as they provide opportunities for bonding and team-building outside of the classroom. Good relationships are at the core of our teaching and learning approaches.
What accreditations does your school have?
We are an authorised IB World school, accredited to offer IB Diploma Programme. We are an Pearson Edexcel International School offering international GCSE and international A Level certifications. We are also accredited by the Slovene Ministry for Education as an independent international high school.
What curriculum does Vector International Academy follow?
We offer UK International GCSEs in the first two years of high school and the IB Diploma Programme in the last two years of high school.
What is the language of instruction at Vector International Academy?
Our subjects are taught in English.
What language courses are offered?
At International GCSE level, students choose between French and German. In the IB Diploma Programme, every student studies a foreign language at either beginning or advanced level. Most students choose German or French, but can also opt for other languages. All our students also have an option of studying Slovene.
Is technology integrated into the curriculum?
Our students learn using technology (laptops, smartphones/tablets, graphic calculators) throughout their education, both in lessons and for assignments outside of class. We do, however, emphasize the benefits that technology can provide whilst appreciating the need to reduce screen time for students.
Will we have to attend an interview to be offered a place here?
We ask for in-person meetings with every new family. Whenever possible, we invite students for a ‘taster’ day during which we hold interviews, entry assessments and a tour of the facilities.
Are you a selective school?
In line with the IB philosophy of delivering challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment, we have an open enrolment and welcome students who can rise to this challenge.
Can my child start mid-way through a year?
Our entry points are the first and third years. Any other entries are discussed and evaluated on an individual basis, always with the student’s best interest in mind.